SPANISH CD's REVIEW - I can't recomment the Pimsleur language method enough. It's one of the most effective ways to learn a new language, and studies show that learning a new language is great for aging brains. The Alta Community Library has complete sets of Spanish Language Learning CDs. Check them out! Start learning a new language today. Exercise your brain for health! by Joan Zwagerman 

BOOK REVIEW of "All the Colors of the Dark" by Chris Witaker

"Thanks so much for ordering this book. It is complex and full of twists and turns. I really enjoyed reading it! by Tammy Peterson

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a FREE early literacy program designed to help your child learn to love reading. Research shows that reading, singing, and talking with your children helps them build essential language skills necessary to help them get ready to read independently, and it helps foster a love of reading from an early age. This is also a great opportunity for bonding with your child. 

This is a self-paced program for caregivers and their child/children from birth until he or she enters kindergarten. Caregivers can decide how long and how often you read together, be sure to track your progress and your child earns prizes for every milestone they reach. Sign up at the Alta Community Library to get started today!

How It Works:

1. Sign up your child at the Alta Community Library. Any child from birth until he or she enters kindergarten is eligible, and a library card is not required, but it is encouraged.

2. Your child will receive a reading log for every 100 books they read. Books read at daycare, library programs, and outside of home all count, as do repeat reads! Both books checked out from the library and books from home count toward your goals.

3. Log your reading! Completed logs can be brought into the library for a small prize, and to move your child's star across our reading wall.

4. At completion of 1,000 books, your child will receive a special prize, a free book, certificate, and a congratulations photo, (that the library would like to display and post on Facebook). 

Does 1,000 books sound like a lot? Here's the breakdown!

3 books a day for 1 year = 1,095 books

10 books a week for 2 years = 1,040 books

1 book a day for 3 years = 1,095 books

For more information: