SPANISH CD's REVIEW - I can't recomment the Pimsleur language method enough. It's one of the most effective ways to learn a new language, and studies show that learning a new language is great for aging brains. The Alta Community Library has complete sets of Spanish Language Learning CDs. Check them out! Start learning a new language today. Exercise your brain for health! by Joan Zwagerman 

BOOK REVIEW of "All the Colors of the Dark" by Chris Witaker

"Thanks so much for ordering this book. It is complex and full of twists and turns. I really enjoyed reading it! by Tammy Peterson

Genealogy Resources

Alta Community Library is happy to help in genealogical research. In the library, you can find Alta (and Alta-Aurelia) High School Annuals dating back to the 1940's, as well as copies of Alta: A Century of Progress (1878-1978), which provides essential information about Alta's residents and history.

Local Resources:

Alta Advertiser 

Digitized records of the Alta Advertiser from 1860-1981.

Buena Vista County Historical Society

Website of the Buena Vista Historical Society's museum and resources.

State and National Resources:

National Archives: Genealogists/Family Historians 
A great starting place for genealogical research, how-to tips for beginners and experts, links to primary sources world-wide, and databases of family trees.
National Archives: State Archives 
Genealogists may need to get information from state archives and historical societies. 
Cyndi’s List 
A categorized and cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the Internet, 261,000+ links for family history!
State Historical Society of Iowa 
A main repository of Iowa historical and genealogical information.
Society of American Archivists 
Organizations, associations and groups related to or of interest to the archival profession.