SPANISH CD's REVIEW - I can't recomment the Pimsleur language method enough. It's one of the most effective ways to learn a new language, and studies show that learning a new language is great for aging brains. The Alta Community Library has complete sets of Spanish Language Learning CDs. Check them out! Start learning a new language today. Exercise your brain for health! by Joan Zwagerman 

BOOK REVIEW of "All the Colors of the Dark" by Chris Witaker

"Thanks so much for ordering this book. It is complex and full of twists and turns. I really enjoyed reading it! by Tammy Peterson

Strategic Plan 2022-2025



The Alta Community Library Board of Trustees and Director Tirzah Price met in a special session on October 27, 2022 to identify areas of growth and strategize long-term goals to help the Library continue to succeed in its mission. These goals were developed with the mission statement in mind, to help the Alta Community Library grow and become a stronger partner in the Alta community.

Mission Statement

The Alta Community Library enhances the quality of life for community residents by providing residents of all ages with popular materials to meet their recreational interests, assisting students to attain their educational goals, providing access to information and answers to questions on a broad array of topics, and striving to be a primary contributor to lifelong learning.

Needs Statement

Input from the board, director, library staff, and patrons informed these goals and the following objectives. During the planning process, several areas of need were identified:

Service: Service to the community is the foundation of our mission statement and purpose, and our staff are the most important resource. Ongoing training and learning opportunities are essential to help the staff maintain a high level of servive to the community.

Programming: While the Alta Community Library offers regular and consistent programming for children under the age of 5, our programming options for kids over the age of 5, teens, and adults could be more robust.

Facility: The 28E Agreement with the Alta-Aurelia School District allows the Alta Community Library a good home at no cost, but we are limited in our allotted space. We do not currently have a public meeting room that is separate from the rest of the library, adequate parking is an ongoing issue, and there is little opportunity to expand. Furthermore, any expansion efforts must be undertaken with the full cooperation of the school board.

Collection: The collection needs weeding, care, and attention, and some collections circulate better than others. Ongoing attention to identify what circulates and what appeals to the community is needed, and more attention to certain areas of the collection will help boost circulation. Other collections may need to be weeded to make room for new and exciting collections and materials.

Technology: In the past, computers have been replaced when they showed signs of wear and various devices have been purchased without a clear plan for their use, replacement, and disposal. Developing a technology plan will allow the Library to be more strategic with funds and anticipate technological needs.

Community Involvement: The Alta Community Library doesn’t have a Friends of the Library group, but there are many area groups that would like to support the library’s mission. Recently a partnership with the Warrior PTO has allowed us to launch the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, but more community collaboration and visibility in the Alta community is needed.


1.     Create a welcoming and engaging space for all community members.

2.     Provide a wide array of programming for all ages.

3.     Develop a robust collection of materials and meet the technological needs of the community.

4.     Elevate the Alta Community Library’s image within the community.


Goal 1: Create a welcoming and engaging space for all community members.

·       Objective A: Engage the Alta-Aurelia School District in conversation surrounding strategic planning, with the goal of increasing the Alta Community Library’s physical space to include a meeting room for library and public use, and add additional parking.

Challenges: Since this objective needs the cooperation and approval of not only the library board but also the school board, the two entities must work together to achieve this objective.


·       Check in with Denny Olhausen about status of A-A School District strategic planning

·       Attend school board meetings as needed

·       Liaise with city council as needed

Implementation: Director and library board, as needed

Goal 2: Provide a wide array of programming for all ages.

·       Objective A: Re-launch a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program for ages 0-5


·     Evaluate what materials are needed

·     Develop program benchmarks and incentives

·     Communicate the program to staff and advertise to patrons

Implementation: Director, staff

·       Objective B: Offer teen programming


·               Offer teen-centered reading programs in winter and summer

·               Explore the possibility of a teen book club

·               Liaise with the high school office to advertise library services to teens

Implementation: Director

·       Objective C: Offer more educational programming for all ages


·               Identify a list of possible program leaders and presenters

·               Reach out to the community and engage local experts

·               Develop programs to educate patrons on existing library services

Implementation: Director

·       Objective D: Relaunch the Homebound Delivery program.



·               Establish a connection between the Alta Community Library and Wel Cov

·               Determine program rules, eligibility, processes

·               Advertise program

Implementation: Director and staff

Goal 3: Develop a robust collection of materials and meet the technological needs of the community.

·       Objective A: Launch a Seed Library for community members to “check out” seeds during the growing season.


·               Apply for a Seed Library license

·               Acquire seeds through donations

·               Establish a display and organization system

·               Establish check out rules for seeds

·               Explore programming opportunities to promote the Seed Library

Implementation: Director, board, staff

·       Objective B: Develop a technology plan and computer replacement schedule for the technology within the Alta Community Library.


·               Liaise with Zach Freking-Smith, of A-A School District

·               Establish a computer replacement plan

·               Explore the possibility of replacing some desktops with Chromebooks

·               Establish an IT support protocol

Implementation: Director and board

·       Objective C: Establish a “Library of Things” for patrons to check out.


·               Determine funding source

·               Make a list of items and materials to circulate for purchase

·               Establish circulation rules

·               Promote Library of Things

Implementation: Director and board


·       Objective D: Explore the option of adding Aurelia’s school library to the Alta Community Library’s LMS.


·                 Discuss feasibility with A-A administrators

·                 Determine an estimate for adding a branch to Atriuum, and labor for converting records

·                 Explore option of upgrading to an alternate LMS, such as Apollo

Implementation: Director

Goal 4: Elevate the Alta Community Library’s image within the community.

·       Objective A: Develop and execute a marketing and publicity plan to raise community awareness for the Alta Community Library.


·  Solicit an updated logo

·  Enact more cohesive braining across library products and services, including library cards

·  Discuss establishing a marketing and advertising line item on the FY23 budget

·  Explore the possibility of branded items and advertising opportunities

Implementation: Director

Future of the Strategic Plan

The director and Board of Trustees are dedicated to reviewing and implementing this strategic plan for the growth of the Alta Community Library and the good of the wider community.