SPANISH CD's REVIEW - I can't recomment the Pimsleur language method enough. It's one of the most effective ways to learn a new language, and studies show that learning a new language is great for aging brains. The Alta Community Library has complete sets of Spanish Language Learning CDs. Check them out! Start learning a new language today. Exercise your brain for health! by Joan Zwagerman 

BOOK REVIEW of "All the Colors of the Dark" by Chris Witaker

"Thanks so much for ordering this book. It is complex and full of twists and turns. I really enjoyed reading it! by Tammy Peterson


The Alta Community Library happily accepts donations of books and funds year-round. Please do not leave donations in the book drop or the vestibule, and bring them into the circulation desk when we are open. We accept gently used book donations, and they may be placed in the collection, used in programming, circualted in our Little Free Library (located in front of Alta City Hall), or used in our annual book sale.

The library happily accepts monetary donations at any time. If you would like to donate a large amount in memorium, please speak with the director for more information. 

The library maintains an Amazon Wishlist of items and materials that support our collection and programming year-round. You can view the Wishlist here, and purchases ship directly to the Library.

The library does not accept mildewed, dirty, or damaged materials. We do not accept magazines, textbooks, loose book pages, sheet music, encyclopedias, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, or annuals. These materials may be recycled at BV County Recycle.

Gift Policy

The following is excerpted from our Collection Policy:


1. Gifts are added to the collection according to the same criteria for selection of purchased materials.

2. Books and other materials offered to the Library may be accepted or rejected by the Library Director and/or Library Board with the understanding that the classification, housing, circulation, or disposal of the gift materials is left entirely to the discretion of the Library Director and/or Library Board.

3. Donations are final and become the property of the Alta Community Library. The library does not have to inform the donor about how the item was used, or when/if the item is weeded from the collection.